Sunday, April 10, 2016

Japanese government and TPP

Photo 1:

This is the election campagin poster by LDP (the ruling party) at the last election in 2012. It says, "We are absolutely against TPP, we do not participate in TPP negotiation", "We do not lie", "We are stable". Various records, such as the book Abe published and the video of the public interview, evidenced that Abe told this pledge by himself. However, Abe administration betrayed and promoted TPP. At the recent diet discussion, the member of the opposition party questioned about this. Abe said, "I have never said we were against TPP, never. Do not tell as if I told this by myself."

Photo 2 and 3:
To discuss about TPP in the parliament, the member of the opposition party requested the official documents to the government. The photo of the documents given are below. All lines are blacked out except for title.

The world should not assume Japan is a democratic country any more.

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