Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Americans disinclined to get involved in Asian conflicts

Americans disinclined to get involved in Asian conflicts
Nikkei Asia Review: 20 October  2015

TOKYO -- A survey by think tanks in the U.S., China, Japan and South Korea has revealed discrepancies among the four nations toward U.S. troops being deployed to Asia during times of crisis. While people in Japan and South Korea expect the American military to come to the rescue, the majority of Americans think otherwise.

When asked if the U.S. should deploy its military in the case of North Korea attacking South Korea, 91% of South Koreans said yes. In the U.S., however, the support ratio was 47%; lower than the 49% who disagreed.
The Genron NPO of Japan, The Chicago Council on Global Affairs of the U.S., the East Asia Institute of South Korea and the Horizon Research Consultancy Group of China surveyed 7,000 citizens about their perceptions toward Asia. The results were similar for scenarios such as if North Korea were to attack Japan (71% of Japanese say the U.S. should send troops, 48% of Americans agree) and if China and Japan were to clash over the Senkaku Islands, called Diaoyu in China (56% of Japanese and 33% of Americans agree U.S. troops should be sent).

 As for a Taiwan crisis, Americans and Chinese showed similar opposition to U.S. troop deployment, with 68% of Americans and 82% of Chinese opposed.  Were the Korean Peninsula to be peacefully united, 62% of Americans believe it would be time to either:
  • End the security alliance with the South and withdraw troops.
  • Or maintain the alliance but withdraw troops.
Only 32% of Americans said U.S. troops should remain in a united Korea, while 57% of South Koreans and 45% of Japanese said they would expect the Americans to stay.  The tide of U.S. public sentiment could be a reason South Koreans seem to be warming up to China. When asked which country was important to them, 98% of South Koreans said the U.S. was and 97% said China was too.

 "There seems to be a seam emerging between the U.S. and its allies South Korea and Japan, who we thought shared the same views toward national security," The Genron NPO said. "Compared to past surveys, South Koreans are clearly tilting toward China."

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