Thursday, September 3, 2015

Japanese Soldiers train at National Training Center for first time

According to the photo journalist who witnessed this Japanese SDF-US military joint training (2014 January-February)  , the site of the training was a big desert with the setting of mosque, Arabic village, Arabian actors who played the role of residents, and security expert who played the role of insurgents. Also, heavy military equipment and US staffs well experienced at Middle East were ready

Abe government repeatedly explain that proposed security bill is necessary for the “critical” Self Defense condition mainly due to mounting tension between East Asian neighbors and risks of tankers supplying oil to Japan could be attacked at Strait of Hormuz. (The definition of “critical” is vague in draft. Opponents asked to define it concretely but no favorable response. ) At the national Diet, the member of the opposite party asked if such setting is related to “critical” Self Defense of Japan. Abe explained as “as per US-Japan security treaty, if Japanese land is attacked, US troop and Japanese SDF cooperate to defense.” However, there is no such big desert with mosque exists in Japanese land.

Earlier, the details of this training were available at the official home page of US Army, but not available any more. The member of the Opposite party requested the information disclosure to the Ministry of Defense officially, but the many parts of the documents given in response were painted in black. Specific secret protection law became effective a few months before this training.

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