Sunday, August 30, 2015

Ministry of Defense in Japan was planning Economic Conscription System.

Japanese constitution Article 18 says, " No person shall be held in bondage of any kind. Involuntary servitude, except as punishment for crime, is prohibited. " Some of the opponents of collective self defence bills concerned Abe government, which made "controversial" interpretation of pacifist Article 9 to pass the bill, may revive conscription system. The government firmly denied and some rightists argue that their concern is megalomania. However, the Ministry of Defence was scheming "SDF (Self Defence Force) Internship program" targeting to private sector freshman as below. Considering Japanese labour market situation and social norm, it is difficult for freshman to reject such order from employers.


This is what has been discussed at Japanese Diet with regards to recruitment of Self-Defense Forces (SDF). The current administration is trying to make SDF more like a standing forces so that they can send them even to the Middle East as the US demands. Because of this political climate, many young officers are quitting SDF.

In order to stop losing young officers, they came up with a new plan to collaborate private sectors. Here is my translation of the below Japanese chart:

[Long-term Internship Program at Japan Self-defense Forces] Deal between Japanese DOD/SDF and private sectors, in which they mutually utilize human resources.

How this program works:

1) Private sectors send their freshmen to SDF for two years as interns

2) SDF accepts them as “limited term” interns.

3) SDF treats them as SDF officers until the end of their term. They can obtain certain certificates as they serve at SDF.

4) After the term, they will return to their original employers.

5) During their internship, their salary will be paid by the government.

Merits for corporations:

1) SDF-trained “fit” personnels can be obtained every year.

2) SDF provides trainings focusing on “basic education as an adult” with teamwork, and proactive skills.

3) Corporations can contribute to the nation’s defense.

Merits for DOD:

1) They’ve been suffering with recruiting new officers for a long time. This new program will provide them with continuous flow of young and capable personnels every year.

2) They can avoid competition with private sectors in recruiting freshmen. This is win-win situation for both DOD and corporations.

3) By developing better relationship with private sectors, DOD may be able to use former interns as “reserve” in the future.

To do list before stating this program:

1) DOD needs to establish a model case of this program.

2) DOD needs to plan an exam and other frame works.

3) DOD needs to provide private sectors with certain incentives.

One of comments is saying: DOD is planning a new type of recruiting more officers! Freshman employees go to SDF as interns for two years. They cannot refuse this “corporate order” and they may be sent to combat zones in case of wars. The government may offer subsidies and easy access to winning in open bids of public projects, to corporations in exchange with getting their employees as interns. This is a horrifying new system!


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